Tips for generating an ordered list that begins with 01

Currently, I am developing a Ruby on Rails application in which I am iterating over the tuto.

          h1.text-gray Tutorials
         - @tutos.each do |tuto|
                h4.text-white = link_to tuto.title, tuto_path(tuto)

During my exploration, I came across a solution that begins with 01 as anticipated...

ol {
list-style-type: decimal-leading-zero;

However, it appears to display all lines with "01" instead of incrementing.

Any advice on what I might be overlooking?

Answer №1

After making a small adjustment, my ol is now in its correct position!

      h1.text-gray Tutorials
        - @tutos.each do |tuto|
           h4.text-white = link_to tuto.title, tuto_path(tuto)

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