What is the method for ensuring that the delete functionality is displayed within the same row?

In my division, there are options for names and deletion. It is displayed on my website as:

1.jpg delete

The HTML code for the division is:

<div id="files1" class="files">
     <b class='dataname' >1.jpg</b>
     <span class='delimg' >delete</span>

The CSS code for the delimg class is:


I initially want the delete option to be hidden, so I added display:none in the delimg CSS:


Therefore, when hovering over the name 1.jpg, the delete should appear; and disappear when moving away from the name. I attempted to achieve this using the hover function:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.files').hover(function() {

However, the positioning of the delete changed to underneath the name 1.jpg instead of beside it, like this:


Additionally, I noticed that even after moving my mouse off the name, the delete option remained visible. This occurred because the delimg's display attribute was set to block, causing it to persist. I attempted using both mouseover and mouseout methods. The delete would appear when hovered over, but clicking on it became difficult, as it disappeared immediately upon moving the mouse away from the name.

Answer №1

Instead of relying on Javascript, you can achieve this using CSS alone:

.files:hover .delimg{
    display: inline-block;

The reason the element appears below is because you are using block instead of inline-block. Check out this functional example:

.delimg {
.files:hover .delimg {
    display: inline-block;
<div id="files1" class="files">
     <b class='dataname' >1.jpg</b>
     <span class='delimg' >delete</span>
 <div id="files2" class="files">
     <b class='dataname' >2.jpg</b>
     <span class='delimg' >delete</span>

Answer №2

To revert the default display property of the delete span, consider using this alternative approach and apply display:none on mouseout.


}); Feel free to reach out if this resolves your issue.

Answer №3

It appears that you are facing two issues :

  1. One problem is that the delete link remains visible even when the mouse moves away.

    To resolve this, consider utilizing the jquery toggle method within your code:

    This way, the display: block property will toggle back and be removed, allowing the link to hide on mouseout.

  2. The second issue is that the delete link appears below the jpg on a new line. To fix this, use the display: inline-block property instead of display: block in both your CSS file and event callback method.

Alternatively, you can achieve all of these changes using only CSS as suggested by other answers.

We hope this response addresses your concerns.

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