What is the best way to align text in the middle on smaller devices like phones and iPads?

I have been working on a login screen and encountered a problem with the layout on smaller devices. Despite centering all the content perfectly on my computer's browser, when I inspect it using developer tools for smaller devices, everything shifts to the left of the screen. Below is the code snippet for the page:

      <div className="center">
          className="w-100 align-self-start p-5" style={{ maxWidth: 700 }}>
            className="text-center  text-light">
            Register / Log in
          <p className="text-center pb-3 mb-3 text-light">
          Discover the best events in your city.
          <form onSubmit={requestOTP}>
            <div className="row">
              <div className="col-12">
                <div className="position-relative mb-4">
                  <label htmlFor="phoneNumberInput" className="form-label fs-base text-light">
                    Log in with your phone number
                    onChange={(event) => {
                    className="form-control form-control-lg"
                    placeholder='Mobile phone number'
                { expandForm === true
                  ? <>
                    <div className="position-relative mb-4">
                    <label htmlFor="otpInput" className="form-label fs-base text-light">Verification code</label>
                        className="form-control form-control-lg"
                        placeholder='Verification code'
                        onChange={(event) => {
                      disabled={OTP.length <= 5}
                      className="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block mb-3"
                      onClick={(event) => {
                        {`${isLoading ? 'Validating...' : 'Validate code'}`}
                  : null
                <AlertErrorForm messageError={errorMessage} />
                  expandForm === false
                    ? <button type="submit" disabled={phoneNumber.length <= 12} className="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block mb-3">Request code</button>
                    : null
                  <div id="recaptcha-container"></div>

In addition, here is the CSS code that I utilized to center everything in the browser view:

  padding-top: 8%;
  padding-left: 25%;
  text-align: center;

Answer №1

After some trial and error, I finally found the right CSS code for my needs:

  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;

Feel free to customize it further by adding padding or other styles.

Answer №2

It's possible that the div size is too large. To address this, consider incorporating a media query in your CSS to adjust the size of the div based on the viewport of mobile and tablet devices. Here is an example snippet you can include at the end of your CSS file:

@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { 
  .center {
    max-width: 200px; //adjust as needed

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