Minimizing lagging scroll movements while utilizing overflow-y: scroll;

I am currently working on a 2 column layout, where the right-hand column contains a scrollable list displaying a maximum of 200 items (implemented using a ul with overflow-y: scroll;).

However, I have noticed that scrolling through the right-hand column is causing some lag, particularly on lower-end hardware.

While analyzing the Chrome timeline, I observed significant delays in the "Update Layer tree" process whenever I scrolled through the column. Is there a way to determine why this update is taking so long and which CSS properties are impacting performance the most? Clicking on it only provides information about its duration without any additional details.

The individual li elements contain CSS styles like filters, transforms, and box-shadows that seem to be affecting the scrolling performance negatively. Removing each SASS file one by one improves the performance gradually (eliminating the lag after removing all CSS), but identifying the specific problematic CSS properties through this method is challenging.

I wonder if there are any features in the Chrome timeline that could assist in addressing this issue?

Although I attempted to use the will-change CSS property to enhance scrolling by promoting it to a separate layer for hardware acceleration, it did not yield significant improvements.

No JavaScript events are triggered during scrolling.

Maintaining fewer than 200 items in the list is not a feasible solution.

To demonstrate the issue, I have created an example with a longer list of items:

An intriguing observation is that removing the overflow-y: scroll; property from .map-search__results in the example significantly enhances scrolling smoothness and eliminates the lag. What could be causing such a dramatic impact?

Here is the Chrome timeline data, showing prolonged "Update Layer tree" sections:


Paul's recommendation regarding will-change: transform is highly effective, especially this insight:

"Add will-change: transform;. Once added, the "repaints on scroll" rect is gone."

It is important to note that this approach may not always work depending on your codebase. Verify that the "repaints on scroll" indicator is disabled by checking the scroll performance issues. In my case, I also had to disable a -webkit-clip-path property (present in my actual codebase, not in the provided demo) that was set in one of the child divs. See:

Answer №1

I recently tested out a test page provided by you and examined it carefully.

When faced with scrolling performance issues, my go-to solution is to toggle some of the checkboxes in the Rendering pane:

This immediately highlights a div labeled as "repaints on scroll". To further confirm this, I checked the experimental Layers panel:

(I simply right-clicked in the tree and selected "Show internal layers", by the way)

In most cases, high "update layer tree" costs are due to either numerous small layers or a few excessively large ones. However, in this instance, we have neither of those issues. Instead, we have a scrolling layer that lacks composited scrolling.

Composited scrolling translates to fast scrolling, which is typically the default behavior. Nevertheless, situations like this resort to "main thread scrolling", which is significantly slower and less efficient. Fortunately, the link suggests a forthcoming fix that should automatically address this particular test case. But until then, we can implement a workaround.

A Helpful Workaround

You mentioned trying the will-change property without success, but upon my own experimentation, it proved to be quite effective. It should be applied to the element with an overflow setting, such as the .map-search__results selector. Simply add will-change: transform;. Once implemented, the "repaints on scroll" issue disappears. Subsequent measurements using the timeline feature confirm significant improvement.

Here's a comparison between the before and after states:

link to viewer

Best of luck!

Answer №2

If you're experiencing a noticeable issue with scrolling on your website, try toggling individual styles in the developer tools to isolate the problem. By unchecking styles one by one and observing how it affects scrolling, you can pinpoint the specific rule causing the issue instead of sifting through entire CSS files. If you utilize sourcemaps in your CSS, locating and adjusting the problematic rule in your actual CSS files should be straightforward.

If you're not familiar with using the styles tab in Chrome developer tools, simply open the inspector tool and select the elements you suspect are causing trouble. The associated styles for the selected element will be displayed in the styles tab, allowing you to disable them individually. You can also delve deeper into nested items using the inspector tool.


Upon reviewing your code closely, I discovered that setting overflow on the ul element may be contributing to the choppy scrolling behavior. Instead of applying overflow directly to the ul, consider placing it on the containing div element (.right-content) and setting its height to 100%. This adjustment resolved the scrolling issue by simplifying the calculation process when moving items, resulting in smoother performance.

Comparing the timelines shown in the images above reveals the impact of this change. In the original version with overflow set on the ul, numerous li items are being painted during the update tree process, leading to inefficient rendering. On the other hand, after removing overflow from the ul and applying it to the parent div, only the ul itself is painted, streamlining the rendering process and improving performance significantly.

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