Inspecting HTML elements with Capybara for class and ID attributes

Trying to locate an element and use Capybara for validation. There's a specific element that I want to check for using page.should have_css.

<i class="ui-grid-icon-cancel" ui-grid-one-bind-aria-label="aria.removeFilter" aria-label="Remove Filter">&nbsp;</i>

Currently attempting to access the ui-grid-icon-cancel and confirm its presence. Below is the code being used for validation.

page.should have_css('class#ui-grid-icon-cancel')

Looking for additional solutions to address this issue.

Intending to verify the CSS element with Capybara.

Answer №1

While the previous responses have provided accurate information regarding the necessary CSS selectors, if you are encountering errors related to the undefined should statement, it may be due to an incorrect installation of RSpec or disabled should syntax in your project - . It's important to note that the should syntax is set to be disabled by default in RSpec 4, and new code should utilize the expect syntax instead. Below are alternative options that should function properly, assuming RSpec is correctly installed, based on the specific verification requirements:

expect(page).to have_css('.ui-grid-icon-cancel')
expect(page).to have_css('i.ui-grid-icon-cancel')
expect(page).to have_css('i', class: 'ui-grid-icon-cancel')

Answer №2

If you attempted to locate the element with the class using

page.should have_css('.ui-grid-icon-cancel')
, that should suffice. Remember, when searching for a class in CSS, utilize the period notation instead of spelling out "class".

Answer №3

For locating elements on a webpage, you have the option to use various locator strategies:

  • css_selector with the value of the class attribute:

    page.should have_css('i.ui-grid-icon-cancel')
                           ^ the dot here represents the classname
  • css_selector using the value of the aria-label attribute:

    page.should have_css('i[aria-label="Remove Filter"]')

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