Changing the class of an element in Svelte: A step-by-step guide

I am working on a svelte application and I want to implement row highlighting when a user clicks on it. Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates this functionality:

<div id="A" class="car-even">A</div>
<div id="B" class="car-odd">B</div>

    .car-even  {
        color: #008800;
        cursor: pointer;

    .car-odd  {
        color: red;
        cursor: pointer;

    .car-selected  {
        color: blue;
        background-color: #ffffaa;
        cursor: pointer;

    row = document.getElementById('A')
    row.className = 'car-selected '

However, I encountered an issue with updating the className correctly in svelte. Can you help me identify what is wrong?


    import Car from './cars.svelte'
    let car = ''
    $: console.log('Car', car)

<Car bind:selected_car={car}/>


    let cars = ['Audi', 'BMW', 'Hillman', 'Hyundai', 'Jaguar']
    export let selected_car = ''
    let car_class = ['car-even', 'car-odd']

    function carClicked(car) {
        selected_car = car
        let car_row = document.getElementById(car)
        car_row.className = 'car-selected'

{#each cars as car, index (car)}
    <div id={car} class="{car_class[index % 2]}" on:click={() => carClicked(car)}>{car}</div>

    .car-even  {
        color: #008800;
        cursor: pointer;    

    .car-odd  {
        color: #000088;
        cursor: pointer;

    .car-selected  {
        background-color: #ffffaa;
        cursor: pointer;

Answer №1

It appears that the example provided may not be working properly, as the `.car-selected` CSS class is not being compiled since it is not being utilized anywhere that the compiler recognizes. Upon inspecting the HTML, you can see that the class is added upon clicking (which also overrides/removes the other class).

To resolve this issue using the Svelte approach, consider utilizing the class:directive. Add this directive to the div within the "each" loop like so:

class:car-selected={car === selected_car}

If desired, you can eliminate the need for `carClicked()` by following this REPL link.

{#each cars as car, index (car)}
<div id={car}
         class="{car_class[index % 2]}"
         class:car-selected={car === selected_car}
         on:click={() => selected_car = car}

(Additionally, to minimize redundancy and leverage Svelte's scoped styling, consider adding the following)

    div {
        cursor: pointer;
        user-select: none;

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