Inconsistencies with Colorbox behavior in an external HTML document

Encountering a strange issue with colorbox while attempting to display a "div" element from another HTML file. The code functions perfectly, except for the final "div" in the external file. The structure of my external file is as follows;

div1 img para1 /div1

div2 img para2 /div2

divlast img paralast /divlast

The problem arises when displaying "divlast" using colorbox. It only renders the "img" element and the "paralast" disappears. I have rearranged the order of the divs and noticed that this behavior occurs only with the last div. What could be causing this unexpected behavior?

Answer №1

Perhaps it's just a small oversight, but in your code you reference div id #divlast while your last div id is actually #div3

You may find it beneficial to take a look at my article about utilizing multiple colorboxes on the same page

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