What is the best way to conceal a specific class of DIV within a container, and how can I also hide another DIV within the same container by

I have a DIV class containing around 10 elements within a container. I am looking to implement a feature where these elements are hidden and shown one by one every 15 seconds using jQuery with a smooth fadeOut() effect. Your assistance in achieving this would be greatly appreciated.

Here is an example of my HTML code structure:

<h1 class="advert"> Sponsored Links </h1>
<div class="advertcont">
<img src="images/advertimage/lap.png" class="advertimg">
<p class="adverttext">Get the Best Shoes at 30GHS.</p>
<a class="advertlink" href="#">www.shoes.com</a>

</div> <!--end of div class "ADVERTCONT"-->

(Repeat above block for each element of class 'advertcont')

</div><!--end of div class "CONTAINER"-->

Answer №1

To display multiple divs with a counter incrementing in a function and utilizing setTimeout for continuous calling, you can initialize a counter set to 0 and then increment it within the function. The function will show the div elements by fading them in sequentially.

var ctr = 0; 


function showElem() {
  var length = $('.advertcont').length;
  (ctr >= (length-1)) ? ctr = 0: ctr++;   
  setTimeout(showElem, 1000);   //make it 15000. Have used 1000 for the demo
.advertcont {display: none;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<h1 class="advert"> Sponsored Links</h1>
<div class="advertcont">
<img src="images/advertimage/lap.png" class="advertimg">
<p class="adverttext">Get the Best Shoes at 30GHS.</p>
<a class="advertlink" href="#">www.shoes.com</a>

</div> <!--end of div class "ADVERTCONT"-->
... Additional advertisement divs follow ...

</div><!--end of div class "CONTAINER"-->

Answer №2

Check out this easy fix below

}, 15000);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<h1 class="advert"> Sponsored Links </h1>
<div class="advertcont">
<img src="images/advertimage/lap.png" class="advertimg">
<p class="adverttext">Grab the Finest Shoes at 30GHS.</p>
<a class="advertlink" href="#">www.shoes.com</a>

</div> <!--end of div clas "ADVERTCONT"-->
<div class="advertcont">
<img src="images/advertimage/lap.png" class="advertimg">
<p class="adverttext">Grab the Finest Shoes at 30GHS.</p>
<a class="advertlink" href="#">www.shoes.com</a>

</div> <!--end of div clas "ADVERTCONT"-->
<div class="advertcont">
<img src="images/advertimage/lap.png" class="advertimg">
<p class="adverttext">Grab the Finest Shoes at 30GHS.</p>
<a class="advertlink" href="#">www.shoes.com</a>

</div> <!--end of div clas "ADVERTCONT"-->
<div class="advertcont">
<img src="images/advertimage/lap.png" class="advertimg">
<p class="adverttext">Grab the Finest Shoes at 30GHS.</p>
<a class="advertlink" href="#">www.shoes.com</a>

</div> <!--end of div clas "ADVERTCONT"-->
<div class="advertcont">
<img src="images/advertimage/lap.png" class="advertimg">
<p class="adverttext">Grab the Finest Shoes at 30GHS.</p>
<a class="advertlink" href="#">www.shoes.com</a>

</div> <!--end of div clas "ADVERTCONT"-->

</div><!--end of div clas "CONTAINER"-->

Answer №3

Include some CSS styling.


Next, add the following HTML code:

<h1 class="advert"> Sponsored Links </h1>
        <div class="advertcont">
            <img src="http://placehold.it/350x150" class="advertimg">
            <p class="adverttext">Get the Best Shoes at 30GHS.</p>
            <a class="advertlink" href="#">www.shoes.com</a>

        <!--end of div class "ADVERTCONT"-->
        (repeat the above 'div' content as needed)
    <!--end of div class "CONTAINER"-->

Then, implement the following jQuery script:

$(function() {
            $(".advertcont").each(function(index, element) {
                setTimeout(function() {
                    // fade previous element if any existed
                    if ($(element).prev().hasClass('advertcont')) {
                        $(element).prev().fadeOut(1000, function() {
                    } else {
                    // set timer to index (current iteration of the loop (current element)) * 15 seconds:
                }, index * 15000);


You can view and interact with this code on https://jsfiddle.net/njueukavi/3exn83ct/

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