The necessity of using Adobe Photoshop for optimizing a Web Template

My interest lies in utilizing web templates, such as the one referenced here:-


However, within its details tab, it specifies that the following software is required:-

  • Adobe Photoshop CS+
  • Sublime Text2 or later, Notepad++, Dreamweaver CS5.5+(Code mode only) or any php-editor

As a web developer, I am puzzled about why I would need all this software to work with the template. So, I have a few questions that I hope to get answers on:-

  • Why do I need Adobe Photoshop CS+? If I already have my website's images saved on my machine, is Adobe Photoshop necessary to work with the template? Or is it mainly for editing images separately from the template itself, like resizing or adjusting contrast?

  • If Adobe Photoshop is required for enhancing the template or adding extra features, do I need to purchase a licensed version, or is there a free alternative that can serve the same purpose?

  • Given that a web template typically consists of CSS, HTML, and script files which can be edited using basic editors like Notepad or Visual Studio Express, if I have Visual Studio installed on my machine, do I still require Notepad++, Dreamweaver, or a PHP editor?

  • Considering that web templates (without CMS) should be compatible with various technologies like .NET, PHP, etc., and deployable under different servers like IIS or Apache, will the template linked above work only with PHP? This assumption arises from the mention of needing a PHP editor to work with the template.

I appreciate any assistance in advance. John

Answer №1

Have some questions?

  1. Do I really need Adobe Photoshop CS+ if I already have my website's pictures on my computer? Is Photoshop necessary for working with the template or is it more for image editing like adjusting contrast or resizing?

No, you may not necessarily need Photoshop CS+. If the template provider offers Photoshop source files, you can easily make changes like colors and fonts without needing Photoshop. However, for more detailed image edits like adjusting contrast, Photoshop might be useful. It's typically a task for a web designer. For simple resizing, CSS can suffice but Photoshop tends to do this better without losing quality.

  1. If Photoshop is needed for fine-tuning the web template or adding extra features, do I have to buy a licensed version or is there a free alternative that works just as well?

There are options like the Photoshop trial version and the Creative Cloud trial version which offer 30 days of use. For basic editing needs, Photoshop Elements is a cheaper alternative. The Creative Cloud subscription costs $19.99 per month.

  1. Since a web template consists of CSS, HTML, and script files that can be edited using simple text editors like Notepad or Visual Studio Express, would I still require software like Notepad++, Dreamweaver, or PHP editor if I already have Visual Studio installed?

No, Visual Studio should suffice for editing web templates. Other editors like Notepad or Notepad++ could also work, although Notepad may prove to be more challenging.

  1. Considering that web templates (without CMS) should be compatible with various technologies such as .NET, PHP, etc., and deployable on servers like IIS or Apache, will the mentioned template only work with PHP since a PHP editor is recommended?

Unless the template includes server-side PHP code (likely used for their web forms), it should be compatible with other technologies as well.

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