How can I restrict the number of characters per line in a textarea using javascript or jQuery?

Is there a method to control the number of characters per line in a textarea? For example, on lines 1-3 of the textarea, only 20 characters can be entered, while on subsequent lines, up to 50 characters are allowed.

The current structure of the textarea limits the number of characters that can fit based on width due to its box shape. I am uncertain if it's feasible to set different character limits for each line.

I am inquiring about this issue because text typed into the textarea ends up positioned below an image placed above it through absolute positioning. Is it possibly to have an inline image within a textarea?

Answer №1

Using JavaScript to Solve the Issue

If you're looking to tackle this problem with JavaScript, you're in luck. Take a look at the code snippet below that utilizes jQuery:

var result = jQuery('#result');
var my_textarea = jQuery('#mytext');
my_textarea.on('keyup', function(event){
    var el = jQuery(this);
    var lines = el.val().split('\n').length;
    var chars = el.val().split('').filter(function(v){
        return v != '\n';
    result.html('You have ' + lines + ' lines and ' + chars + ' characters');

(See it in action here:

This script accurately counts lines and characters, ensuring there are no issues in tracking character count per line and preventing additional characters from being added to a specific line.

Placing an Image Inside a Textarea

You mentioned that positioning an image within the textarea could potentially resolve the issue. This is indeed achievable - one method involves setting the image as a background for the textarea and adjusting the padding accordingly to prevent text from overlapping the image.

Answer №2

What is your goal for the layout - should the text overlay the image or appear beside it? When you use absolute positioning, the element breaks free from the normal flow and aligns itself relative to the closest parent container with relative positioning. It would be helpful to see a snippet of HTML and CSS on if you can provide one. Thanks!

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