What is the best way to modify the styling of my CSS attributes?

I'm currently working with this CSS code:

input:checked + .selectablelabel .check {
  visibility: hidden;

Now, I want to change the visibility property to "visible" using JavaScript.

I attempted the following:

$(document).on('click', '#selectlabelall', function () {
document.getElementsByClassName("input:checked + .selectablelabel .check").visibility = "visible";

Unfortunately, it didn't have any effect. Can anyone offer some assistance?

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Oops! It looks like you're not quite using the correct method. Try substituting it with this:

$(document).on('click', '#selectlabelall', function () {
  let elements = document.getElementsByClassName("input:checked + .selectablelabel .check");

  for(element of elements) {
    element.style.visibility ="visible";

Answer №2

It's unclear what exactly you're aiming for in terms of full functionality, but based on your specifications, here are my assumptions:

  1. Hide the label of any checked checkbox.
  2. Show the label of any unchecked checkbox.
  3. If the "selectall" checkbox is checked, display the labels of all other checkboxes, whether they are checked or not.

If the above conditions hold true, you can manage this using CSS:

input:checked + .selectablelabel .check {
  visibility: hidden;

#selectlabelall:checked ~ .selectablelabel .check {
  visibility: visible;
<input type="checkbox" id="selectlabelall">

<input type="checkbox">

<label class="selectablelabel">
  <span class="check">one</span>

<input type="checkbox">

<label class="selectablelabel">
  <span class="check">two</span>

<input type="checkbox">

<label class="selectablelabel">
  <span class="check">three</span>

Answer №3

$(document).on('click', '#selectlabelall', function () {
    var labels = document.getElementsByClassName("selectablelabel check");
    var index = 0;
    while(index < labels.length) {
        labels[index].style.visibility = 'hidden';

To fix the issue, consider adding the style attribute to your elements. Additionally, you can simplify element selection by utilizing jQuery methods.

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