Unable to establish a hyperlink to specific section of page using MUI 5 Drawer

When attempting to link to a specific part of my first page upon clicking the Shop button in the navigation Drawer, nothing happens:


This snippet shows the code for the MUI 5 Drawer component:

      onClose={() => setOpen(false)}
        sx: {
          background: "linear-gradient(to top, #9C685B44, #9C685Bff)",
      <IconButton onClick={() => setOpen(false)}>
        <ChevronLeftIcon sx={{ color: "white" }} />
      <Divider />
            // Linking to Products Section
            startIcon={<PhoneAndroidIcon />}
              color: "white",
              fontFamily: "Montserrat",
          <Badge color="error" badgeContent={badgeNumber}>
              startIcon={<ShoppingCartIcon />}
                color: "white",
                fontFamily: "Montserrat",

In the corresponding section, I have included an id with the value of "products" on the container:

<Container maxWidth="xl" id="products">

The issue persists even when using the anchor tag.

Any suggestions on how to resolve this?

Answer №1

If you want to handle this situation, you can utilize the scrollIntoView function along with History.pushState(). Simply remove the href attribute from your Button component and use its onClick method to trigger the following action:

// Specify the section names (e.g., 'products') as id
// URL is optional and defaults to the document's current URL if not provided

const onNavClick = (event, id, url) => {
    let element = document.getElementById(id);
    window.history.pushState(id, id, url);

You can explore additional options that can be passed into scrollIntoView by referring to the link mentioned above for more details.

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