- Bullet point: Table heading alignment variation

When it comes to centering a <th> element inside an <li>, different browsers have different approaches.

In Internet Explorer, Edge, and Safari, the <th> is center-justified. However, in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, it's left-justified.

According to W3C Rendering recommendations (italics mine):

User agents are expected to have a rule in their user agent stylesheet that matches th elements that have a parent node whose computed value for the 'text-align' property is its initial value, whose declaration block consists of just a single declaration that sets the 'text-align' property to the value 'center'.

The W3C recommendation implies that a <th> should be centered by default unless there's a specific change made to the text-align property of its parent.

However, in actual practice, <th> elements inside <li> tags in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera do not follow this guideline. It seems like they might be deviating from W3C's suggestions.

(The issue can easily be fixed using th {text-align: center;}, so no solution is necessary.)


While there have been explanations for this behavior, they remain unsatisfactory – without any fault on the part of those providing answers.

It appears that the intention of the W3C is for <th> elements to be centered unless they specifically include or inherit a different explicit text-align style. Left-justifying <th> due to complex cascading inheritance of implicit styles doesn't seem logical.

The confusion seems to revolve around the definition of "its initial value" as mentioned in the quote. The "initial value" of a <li>'s text-align property is match-parent, which is evidently distinct from text-align: initial.

Hopefully, the W3C will provide clarification on this matter in the future. In the meantime, using th {text-align: center;} resolves the issue.


th, td {
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
        <th>This is a Lorem Ipsum<br>test</th>
        <th>Another header

Answer №1

It seems like your problem stems from the fact that li is inherently set to text-align: match-parent in some browsers, such as Firefox. This results in the li elements being aligned to the text-align:left (or text-align:right if direction is rtl). To resolve this issue, you can change the alignment of li to text-align:initial, ensuring that the th behaves as expected.


This value is similar to inherit, but with the start and end values calculated based on the parent's direction, resulting in appropriate left or right alignment.

td {
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
li {
  text-align: initial
        <th>This is a Lorem Ipsum
        <th>Another header

Answer №2

Not at all, W3C is not being ignored in this case. As stated in the quote provided in your query,

a parent node whose computed value for the 'text-align' property is its initial value

This indicates that the default value of text-align is start, which ultimately results in start. However, <li> elements are specifically styled with text-align: match-parent, leading to a computation of left due to the <ol> having direction: ltr. Despite start behaving like

left</code because the <code><li>
also has direction: ltr, these are distinct values. Hence, the th element does not appear centered.

It should be noted that both start and match-parent have been introduced relatively recently. It is possible that the th will be centered on browsers that do not yet support these attributes.

If you were to utilize li { text-align: initial; }, then the th would indeed be aligned center.

th, td {
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
li {
  text-align: initial;
        <th>This is a Lorem Ipsum<br>test</th>
        <th>Another header

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