The JQuery TextNTags plugin eliminates tag formatting once the trigger syntax has been modified

I have incorporated the JQuery TextNTags plugin into my web application. Here is the original code snippet:

$.browser = {
    webkit: true
$(function () {
        triggers: {'!': {
            uniqueTags   : false,
            syntax       : _.template('![<%= id %>:<%= type %>:<%= title %>]'),
            parser       : /(!)\[(\d+):([\w\s\.\-]+):([\w\s@\.,-\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()]+)\]/gi,
            parserGroups : {id: 2, type: 3, title: 4},
        }, '#': {
            uniqueTags   : false,
            syntax       : _.template('#[<%= id %>:<%= type %>:<%= title %>]'),
            parser       : /(#)\[(\d+):([\w\s\.\-]+):([\w\s@\.,-\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()]+)\]/gi,
            parserGroups : {id: 2, type: 3, title: 4},
        }, 'PP:': {
            uniqueTags   : false,
            syntax       : _.template('PP:[<%= id %>:<%= type %>:<%= title %>]'),
            parser       : /(PP:)\[(\d+):([\w\s\.\-]+):([\w\s@\.,-\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()]+)\]/gi,
            parserGroups : {id: 2, type: 3, title: 4},
        onDataRequest:function (mode, query, triggerChar, callback) {
            var data = {
                '!': [
                    { id:1, name:'Daniel Zahariev (via !)',   'img':'', 'type':'contact1' },
                    { id:2, name:'Daniel Radcliffe (via !)',  'img':'', 'type':'contact1' },
                    { id:3, name:'Daniel Nathans (via !)',    'img':'', 'type':'contact1' }
                '#': [
                    { id:4, name:'Daniel Zahariev (via #)',  'img':'', 'type':'contact2' },
                    { id:5, name:'Daniel Radcliffe (via #)', 'img':'', 'type':'contact2' },
                    { id:6, name:'Daniel Nathans (via #)',   'img':'', 'type':'contact2' }
                'PP:': [
                    { id:7, name:'Daniel Zahariev (via PP:)',  'img':'', 'type':'contact3' },
                    { id:8, name:'Daniel Radcliffe (via PP:)', 'img':'', 'type':'contact3' },
                    { id:9, name:'Daniel Nathans (via PP:)',   'img':'', 'type':'contact3' }

            query = query.toLowerCase();
            var found = _.filter(data[triggerChar], function(item) { return > -1; });

  , found);

    $('.get-syntax-text4').click(function() {
        $('textarea.tagged_text_ex4').textntags('val', function(text) {

In an attempt to modify this code, I am striving to alter the syntax of each trigger by eliminating :<%= title %>. However, upon doing so, I noticed that it removes the tag background color. To visualize this change, please view the fiddle before modification: and after modification:

I am seeking insights on why this behavior occurs.

Additionally, another question arises which seems connected to the previous issue. Can someone clarify the purpose of parserGroups? The documentation mentions:

Object that maps the indexes of the parsed groups with the corresponding tag properties.

However, I find this definition somewhat challenging to comprehend.

Answer №1

The design is created with a distinct layered div element where the title is crucial for formatting the text. It is important to retain the title if you wish to utilize the edit mode.

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