Dividing Trapezoid Shapes, Cropping Background Images

I am attempting to design a website layout with trapezoid shapes similar to the attached image. Each section should have a background image that fills the background with cover or a similar effect.

I successfully created the first section (dark blue) using skew and two divs, as shown below.

However, I am facing difficulty in creating the next section where it skews in two directions. I tried using clip-path without success. Lastly, the final section needs to return to a squared-off shape.


<section id="my_section">
        <div id="my_section_bg"></div>
        <div id="my_section_content">
            <!-- any typical content, text/images here -->


#my_section {
    padding-top: 80px;
    padding-bottom: 90px;

    background-color: rgba(74,90,119,.5);

    transform: skewY(-4deg);

#my_section_bg {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;

    background-size: cover;
    background-position: center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-image: linear-gradient(
        to bottom,
        rgba(29,44,71,.85) 0%,
        rgba(29,44,71,1) 100%
        ), url("./assets/my_bg_img.jpeg");
    background-color: rgba(29,44,71,1);

    transform: skewY(8deg);

#my_section_content {
    transform: skewY(4deg);


Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you can hide a portion of the second angled section underneath the first one. The same concept applies to the last section:

Here is a simple example:

.box {
  transform-origin:left; /*this will create the effect*/
.box:before {
  background:var(--img,red) center/cover;

.first {
.first:before {

.second {
.second:before {

.last {
<div class="first box">

<div class="second box">


<div class="last box">


Alternatively, using clip-path, you can achieve the following (adjust the 50px values to change the angles)

.box {
.first {
  clip-path:polygon(0 0,100% 50px, 100% 100%,0 100%);
  background:url(https://picsum.photos/800/600?image=0) center/cover;

.second {  
  clip-path:polygon(0 50px,100% 0, 100% 100%,0 calc(100% - 50px));
  margin:-50px auto;
  background:url(https://picsum.photos/800/600?image=1069) center/cover;

.last {
  background:url(https://picsum.photos/800/600?image=1053) center/cover;
<div class="first box">
<div class="second box">
<div class="last box">

Answer №2

Currently, I'm working on a project that bears some resemblance to this one, so I thought I'd give it a shot. It seems like overlapping and skewing two containers could potentially be the solution depending on the requirements.

However, if the top and bottom need to be skewed at different angles, that approach may not work. In that case, utilizing Pseudo elements with absolute positioning and employing CSS clip-path might be your best bet. I personally used this tool to generate clip paths effortlessly.

I've chosen this method in order to prevent clipping the content of each section, although this distinction may not be significant in your particular scenario.

.container {
  width: 80vw;
  margin: 0 auto;
  overflow: hidden;

section {
  min-height: 40vh;
  position: relative;
  padding: 2rem;

.sec1 {
  background-color: #FFFFFF;

.sec2 {
  background: #01579B;
(sec2 styles)
<div class="container">
<section class="sec1">Section 1 Content</section>
<section class="sec2">
<span class="decor">
<!-- additional element necessary -->
Section 2 Content
(Demo continues...)

The only downside I can foresee is if you require an image background. In such instances, utilizing a complex polygon as the mask for the entire section may be more suitable.

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