Tips for showcasing the complete image within v-parallax

For my project, I decided to go with vuetify as the frontend framework. It's a great choice! Now, I have a question about v-parallax - how can I make it display the full image without cropping? Below is some code snippet, and you can find the full code hosted on CodePen.


Check out the full code on CodePen here!

Thank you!

Answer №1

The issue at hand is not the height, but rather the transform attribute that distorts the width of the image. Regrettably, Vuetify's parallax component does not offer an option to adjust the width of the image directly. Therefore, your only recourse is to modify the image dimensions or override the transform attribute:

.v-parallax__image {
  transform: none !important;
  width: 100% !important;

Answer №2

To address that issue, simply utilize height="100%"

Take a look at this example demonstrating the solution

Keep in mind that the parent containers must also possess 100% height for this method to be effective

Answer №4

Encountering a similar issue with this particular component, I attempted to incorporate an image swap as part of a lazy-loading process. However, I found that the component failed to render it accurately, resulting in severe cropping of the image. By correctly setting the :src="" attribute to the appropriate image and selecting one that is taller than wider, the issue was promptly resolved.

Answer №5

Make sure to include the v-parallax component within a v-layout and v-flex.

<v-layout row wrap>
  <v-flex xs12 sm12>
    <v-parallax :src="getImageUrl('art01.jpg')">
      <v-layout column align-center justify-center>

export default {
  methods: {
    getImageUrl(img) {
      return require(`~/assets/user/images/${img}`) 

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