Material-UI: Eliminate the missingOppositeContent:before element from TimelineItem

I'm currently using Material-UI to construct a timeline. Here is the code snippet I am working with:

<Timeline align="right" className={classes.monthlyContainer}>
    <TimelineItem >
        <TimelineSeparator className={classes.timelineSeparator}>
            <TimelineDot className={classes.timelineDot} />
            <TimelineConnector className={classes.timelineConnector} />
        {( =>
            <TimelineContent className={classes.memsImageContainer}>

After rendering the webpage, I noticed that the Material-UI timeline keeps generating a

element that is causing my timeline layout to shift left.

Upon inspecting this element, here is what I observed:

<li class="MuiTimelineItem-root MuiTimelineItem-alignRightMuiTimelineItem-missingOppositeContent">
    <div class="MuiTimelineSeparator-root makeStyles-timelineSeparator-4">
        <span class="MuiTimelineDot-root makeStyles-timelineDot-5 MuiTimelineDot-defaultGrey">
        <span class="MuiTimelineConnector-root makeStyles-timelineConnector-6">

Upon examining the styles, I found the following:

.MuiTimelineItem-missingOppositeContent:before {
    flex: 1;
    content: "";
    padding: 6px 16px;
    padding-left: 0px;
    padding-right: 0px;

If you'd like to see it in action, I've recreated it on codesandbox here

Any ideas on how I can get rid of this unwanted element?

Answer №1

The definition of the default styles for the missingOppositeContent element is described below:

  /* Styles applied to the root element if there isn't any TimelineOppositeContent provided */
  missingOppositeContent: {
    '&:before': {
      content: '""',
      flex: 1,
      padding: '6px 16px',

You have the option to customize the default styles by following a similar structure. Modifying this in the theme can be done as shown below:

const Theme = createMuiTheme({
  overrides: {
    MuiTimelineItem: {
      missingOppositeContent: {
        "&:before": {
          display: "none"

If you need to apply this customization on specific occasions (in case other scenarios require the missing-opposite-content styling), you can utilize withStyles like so:

const TimelineItem = withStyles({
  missingOppositeContent: {
    "&:before": {
      display: "none"

Answer №2

It may seem unbelievable, but all you have to do is include the <TimelineOppositeContent> component with the display property set to 'none'. This simple adjustment will resolve the issue.

Answer №3

After some research, I came across a straightforward solution in the official documentation. You can find it here. Just follow these steps:

 import Timeline from '@mui/lab/Timeline';
 import TimelineItem, { timelineItemClasses } from '@mui/lab/TimelineItem';
 return <Timeline
              [`& .${timelineItemClasses.root}:before`]: {
                    flex: 0,
                    padding: 0,

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