What class is utilized when multiple classes are specified?

When an element has two classes assigned to it and the CSS for the two classes conflict with each other, which one takes precedence? Is there a method to determine which one will be used?

For instance:

<p class='red small'>Some Text Here</p>

using the following CSS:

.red { color:#ff0000; font-size:200%; }
.small { font-size:50%; }

In this case, the text would appear red, but what size would it be? And is there a reliable way to control this across different browsers?

Answer №1

All the classes you assign are utilized.

If there are conflicting property values, priority is given to the most specific one. If specificities are the same, preference is given to the one that appears last.

It's analogous to using a class like this:

.redAndSmall {

In most cases, a well-thought-out design will not encounter this issue as each class would have distinct meanings.

Answer №2

50%, as it relies on the sequence of your css styles. The arrangement within the class attribute is disregarded.

Answer №3

In CSS, cascading plays a crucial role in determining the styles of elements on a web page. The process starts with applying any inline styling directly to the element. If no inline styling is present, the browser will look for styling defined in the head section of the HTML document. In the absence of head styling, the browser then looks for external CSS files linked to the webpage. Finally, if no external styles are found, the browser resorts to its default styling properties.

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