What strategies does Wired magazine use to create their unique thick underline link style?

Recently, I came across an interesting design choice on Wired magazine's website - they use a thick blue underline for their links that crosses over text descenders and is a different color from the text itself. You can see an example on this random page.

I don't believe this effect is achieved with a simple bottom-border style, as it overlaps the text descenders. It's possible that they are using the new -moz-text-decoration-color and text-decoration-color properties for the color difference, but I haven't been able to determine how they control the line thickness.

I attempted to analyze their CSS, but it's minified and complex, making it difficult to find the specific information I need. I tried searching for terms like -moz-text-decoration-color and border-bottom, but didn't have any luck.

Does anyone know how Wired achieves this unique link style?

Answer №1

Upon inspecting a link, the following styles are revealed:

border-bottom: 1px solid #CBEEFA;
box-shadow: 0px -4px 0px #CBEEFA inset;

The rationale behind using box-shadow is detailed in this informative article.

Answer №2

When working with CSS styles,

border-bottom: 1px solid #cbeefa;  
box-shadow: inset 0 -4px 0 #4CAECF

As stated by W3Schools,

box-shadow: none|h-shadow v-shadow blur spread color |inset|initial|inherit;

Please note that the box-shadow property adds drop shadows to elements. This property allows for adding one or more shadows, each defined by 2-4 length values, an optional color, and an optional inset keyword. Any omitted lengths default to 0.

Answer №3

To reveal the code behind a link, utilize Chrome or Firefox's inspect element feature. By right-clicking on the link and selecting inspect element, you'll find a window that displays the HTML code:

This shows that the styling includes both a border-bottom and box-shadow.

Answer №4

Initially, a .png file was used to achieve the desired effect, but now they have switched to using pure CSS which I find quite pleasing. This brief tutorial demonstrates how to implement this through a CSS stylesheet, along with instructions on how to selectively apply the styling to specific elements.

For instance, the following CSS code would give all links on your website a Wired-style underscore:

/*----Wired Style Links----*/
   text-decoration: none;
   box-shadow: inset 0 -5px 0 0 #B4E7F8;
background-color: #B4E7F8;

Furthermore, here is an example that excludes styling for internal links (those from yourwebsite.com):

/*----Wired Style Links----*/
   text-decoration: none;
   box-shadow: inset 0 -5px 0 0 #B4E7F8;
background-color: #B4E7F8;

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