How can I switch between different images using jQuery?


<div class="image_rollover">
     <img id="image_one" src=image_one.png">
     <img id="image_two" src="image_two.png">
     <img id="image_three" src="image_three.png">
     <img id="image_four" src="image_four.png">
     <img id="image_five" src="image_five.png">
     <img id="image_six" src="image_six.png">


    border:1px solid #000000;


This script will change the images one by one when hovering over the div.
    $("#image_two, #image_three, #image_four, #image_five, #image_six").hide();

      $(this).find("#image_one, #image_two, #image_three, #image_four, #image_five, #image_six").toggle();

Upon hovering over the div, the images should change sequentially from "image_one" to "image_six". Any suggestions on how to implement this feature effectively?

Answer №1

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#image_two, #image_three, #image_four, #image_five, #image_six").hide();

    $(".image_rollover").hover(function () {

function animateFunction() {
    var $curr=$(".image_rollover img:visible");
    var $next=$;    

    if($next.size()==0) $next=$(".image_rollover img:first");


or something similar


var hover=false;
var interval;

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#image_two, #image_three, #image_four, #image_five, #image_six").hide();
    $(".image_rollover").hover(function () {
        $(".image_rollover img:visible").hide();
        $(".image_rollover img:first").show();

function animateFunction() {

    if(hover==false) return;

    var $curr=$(".image_rollover img:visible");
    var $next=$;    

    if($next.size()==0) $next=$(".image_rollover img:first");


    interval=setTimeout(function(){ animateFunction(); }, 1000);

Answer №2

    $('.image_rollover img').hide();
    var count = 0;
    var $imageRollover = $('.image_rollover');
    var totalImages = $imageRollover.find('img').length;
    $imageRollover.on('mouseenter', function(){
        $('.image_rollover img').hide();        
        if (count >= totalImages) {
            count = 0;

To view the working example, visit

Answer №3

It is recommended to use CSS to hide images and simplify the image selector within a div container (or group them with a class).

Take a look at this:




  border:1px solid #000000;
  overflow: hidden;

.image_rollover img{
   display: none;


<div class="image_rollover">
  <img id="pic_one" src=image_one.png">
  <img id="pic_two" src="image_two.png">
  <img id="pic_three" src="image_three.png">
  <img id="pic_four" src="image_four.png">
  <img id="pic_five" src="image_five.png">
  <img id="pic_six" src="image_six.png">

See it in action on codepen.

Answer №4


    let currentFrame = 1;
        $('.image_rollover img').hide();
        $('.image_rollover img:nth-child('+currentFrame+')').show();
        if (currentFrame == 7)
            currentFrame = 1;

Answer №6

If you're in search of some animated effects, give this a try.

      $(document).ready(function () {

            var $siblings = $("#image_one").siblings();

            $("#image_one").on("mouseenter", function () {
                var timer = 100;
                var showTime = 0;
                $siblings.each(function () {
                    showTime += timer;

Alternatively, if you prefer a chain-like animation:

Hover over the first image to reveal the second, then hover over the second for the third and so on... Does this meet your requirements?

        $(document).ready(function () {

            var $siblings = $("#image_one").siblings();
            var timer = 500;
            var showTime = 0;
            function init_chain(ev){
                showTime += timer;
                var $next_element = $(

            $("#image_one").on("mouseenter", function (event) {

Let us know if this works for you!

Thanks a lot!

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