Managing the width of an HTML table column based on its text content dynamically

Here is an example of an html table :

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
      <td width="480px"  class="societe" ><div style="float:left;font-size:12px;padding-top:2px" ><?php echo $_SESSION[PROJET_REF] ?> - [<?php echo $_SESSION[MANUEL_REF] ?>]</div>

The css class "societe" looks like this:



    background: url(../include/images/societe.png) repeat-x;


In the column definition :

<td width="480px"  class="societe" >
, the column's width is hard-coded to 480px. To make it dynamic and fit with the column's text width, you can avoid hard-coding. In this case, the text is
<?php echo $_SESSION[PROJET_REF] ?> - [<?php echo $_SESSION[MANUEL_REF] ?>

Answer №1

To achieve a dynamic width for your td based on text content, avoid setting a fixed width for the td.

In this coding example (link), note that the first td contains lengthy text, leading other td's in the same column to adjust their widths accordingly.

The decision ultimately lies on user preference. Should the user prefer varying widths for td's or equal dimensions with tooltips displaying complete text if it exceeds the cell's width? The choice is yours to make :)

Answer №3

Imagine you have a div in your code like this:

<div id="example" style="margin-top:10px;font-size:14px;"><?php echo $_SESSION[EXAMPLE] ?> - [<?php echo $_SESSION[SAMPLE] ?>]</div>

Next, let's say you want to determine the character length and adjust the width accordingly:

if($("#example").text().length <= 100)
   $('.container').attr("width", "500px");
if($("#example").text().length <= 200)
   $('.container').attr("width", "600px");

You can continue this process based on your desired measurements.

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