Answer №1

Our process simplifies the creation of software

Answer №2

Consider the text you want to use as a caption to be like a flowing sentence with two distinct phrases, not headings.

To properly structure your catch-phrase, enclose it within a <p> element rather than a heading element.

When separating the two phrases, avoid using plain <br> tags as they should only be used when a line break is an integral part of the content. Utilize <br> with the aria-hidden="true" attribute for layout purposes only.

An alternative method to separate the phrases would be to utilize generic elements for line breaks while enclosing the entire text within a <p> element.

Using generic elements ensures simplicity, compliance with specifications, and semantically correct coding for accessibility purposes.

For example, consider wrapping each line of text in <span> elements with appropriate classes:

.line {display: block}
  <span class="line">We make it simple</span>
  <span class="line">to write software.</span>

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