How to correct header alignment in HTML for Google Table

Utilizing the google visualization table to generate a html table, I have successfully fixed the top section of the html using the stuckpart div. This ensures that regardless of how I scroll, the button remains in place. However, I now aim to fix the table header just below the button. Here is my current layout:

<div class="stuckpart">
        <button type="button">this button is fixeddddddd</button>
<div id="table_div"></div>

I've managed to achieve partial success with this setup:

Upon inspection in Firefox, it seems that the header class for the table is

. Is there a way for me to lock this header in place while allowing the table body to scroll?

Answer №1

Here's a different approach:

I made some adjustments to the layout and added a fixed height to the table, making the table body scrollable.

z-index: 100; /*Understanding z-index is crucial for effective styling*/

padding-top: 40px;

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