Different sizes of CSS tables

Creating a responsive layout involves displaying <div> boxes within a grid:

The six individual boxes on this page are placed in a row within the HTML source:

<div class="control">
<div class="controlContent">
<a>VARIABLE-HEIGHT CONTENT with potential image float</a>

The control divs allocate percentage widths to each box, enabling grouping into rows as screen size increases. The controlContent divs set properties such as padding, margin, background, and border-radius.

The challenge lies in achieving consistent height among siblings in the same row despite varying content heights due to using display: table-cell. This results in gaps beneath smaller cells where gradient backgrounds may not fully cover the cell height.

To address this issue, a need for elements mimicking table rows arises, especially when responsiveness alters grouping based on CSS media queries.

Exploring solutions utilizing anonymous table boxes or anonymous table rows leaves questions regarding implementation, particularly while employing CSS selectors like :nth-child() for managing floating boxes and potentially establishing new table rows at specific intervals.

An optimal resolution should align with best practices without relying heavily on presentation markup, ideally accommodating any number of cells within a variable-dimension table setup for responsive design.

Answer №1

display:table-cell; ensures that the div/columns have the same height, as long as the parent div is set with display:table;.

Feel free to check out this fiddle (add/remove columns as needed).

An alternative approach would be to give .control a fixed height and then apply height:100%; on controlContent.

If you wish to use percentages exclusively, you must specify a height on all the parent containers of .controlContent, up to html and body:

html, body, .control, .controlContent {

This method is more reliable since some older browsers do not render table-cell properly.

However, keep in mind that you need to know the height (in pixels or percentage) of all containers.

Another option is the faux column technique, although it may not be suitable for your situation.

Lastly, there's the JavaScript / jQuery approach, which could look like this in your case:

    var highestContent = 0;
    $('.controlContent').each(function() {
        var currentHeight = $(this).height();
        if( currentHeight > highestContent ) highestContent = currentHeight;


This script sets the value of the tallest content to all controlContent when the page loads. It may require adjustments for different resolutions targeted by media-queries.

If I were in your shoes, I'd opt for the table-cell method to allow for varying widths at different resolutions, ensuring compatibility across modern desktop and mobile browsers. Just make sure to test it on multiple devices!

EDIT: Noticed you're using min-width media queries. Here's a suggested modification:

div.controlContent {
    /* other styles */
    display: block;
    /* other styles */
@media only screen and (min-width: 480px) {
    /* other styles */
    div.controlContent {
        display: table-cell;
    /* other styles */

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