Firefox failing to display CSS files on web pages

My project is deployed on IIS 7.5 and when trying to access it from a different machine using Firefox, all files are rendered except for the CSS files (although they work fine in IE).

I have checked that the MIME type for .css files is correctly set up in my IIS settings after looking through other posts.

The way I include my CSS file in the head section is as follows:


In the response header, I see that it's showing -
Content-Type text/html; charset=utf-8

Similarly, I include my JavaScript files like this:


However, in the response headers, I am getting
Content-Type application/x-javascript

I'm not sure why there is differing behavior for CSS files. Can someone please help me understand this issue?

Answer №1

It appears there may be an issue with the encoding of the files you are including. When working with files that have different character encodings, it can cause confusion for browsers.

Ensure that all your source files have the same encoding. A simple way to do this on Windows is by saving them as ASCII (using a program like Notepad, for instance).

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