The mysterious behavior of CSS3 transforms on intricate rotations

When a div is viewed in perspective and has the transformations rotateY(-90deg) rotateX(-180deg), adding rotateZ(-90deg) to it results in a rotation of +270 degrees instead of -90 degrees.

The new style of the div changes from

transform: rotateY(-90deg) rotateX(-180deg);

transform: rotateZ(-90deg) rotateY(-90deg) rotateX(-180deg);

I find it interesting that when you chain three rotations like this

rotate(90deg) rotate(90deg) rotate(90deg)
, the result is not a rotation of +270 degrees but rather -90 degrees. Why is that?

You can check out the jsFiddle demo here:

Do you think this behavior is a bug? I would appreciate any insight on this matter.

Answer №1

From my observation, the rotation seems to be functioning properly. It is true that one rotates clockwise while the other rotates counterclockwise. However, what you may have overlooked is that when rotating to +270 degrees, it actually completes 3/4 of a full turn. The example you provided only shows 1/4 of a full turn.

Take a look at this alternative demonstration: []. I have made adjustments to make it easier for you to experiment with.

I believe the confusion arises from the presence of a 180-degree rotation on the Y axis, causing an inversion in the rotation (which may not align with your initial expectations if this were the sole transformation applied).

Answer №2

The issue in question is a known bug that specifically affects Chrome users on Mac operating systems.

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