What is the difference between class at DOM and className at component?

When passing the className props to the child component, sometimes the className for the active link is not correctly reflected in the DOM element during production:

  • The child component (Link) receives the className prop for the active link from the parent.

  • The child component (Link) in the DOM does not apply the class if the link is active.

This is how my code looks:

  • Navbar
// Navbar.tsx
import classnames from 'classnames';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

const Navbar = () => {
  const router = useRouter();

  const navigations = [
      href: '/',
      label: 'Home'
      href: '/profile',
      label: 'Profile'

  return (
          {navigations.map((nav) => (
            <NavLink key={nav.label} href={nav.href} isActive={router.asPath === nav.href}>

export default Navbar;
  • Parent component
// NavLink.tsx

import classnames from 'classnames';

import Link from '@/components/elements/Link';
import styles from '@/components/parts/Navbar/styles.module.scss';

import type { NavLinkProps } from './types';

const NavLink = ({ children, href, isActive }: NavLinkProps) => (
    className={classnames(styles.navbar__link, {
      [styles.navbar__link_active]: isActive

export default NavLink;
  • Child component
// Link.tsx

import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';

import type { LinkProps } from './types';

const NextLink = dynamic(() => import('next/link'));

const Link = ({ children, href, target, isExternal, className, label, role }: LinkProps) => {
  if (isExternal) {
    return (
        target={target ?? '_blank'}
        rel="noopener noreferrer"

  return (
    <NextLink href={href}>
      <a target={target ?? '_self'} className={className} aria-label={label} role={role}>

export default Link;

Answer №1

Consider utilizing template literals:

<NavLink className={`${classNames(styles.header__link, {
    [styles.header__link_active]: isActive

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