Tumblr post not automatically playing flash content

I am facing an issue with embedding a flash object on my tumblr blog (Billy's audio player) where I have to click a white play button for the object to work properly. This problem seems to occur specifically in Chrome and Edge browsers, as other websites do not display this play button over the widget. For example, the widget's own webpage and another blog do not have this issue.

Below is the embed code I am using from Billy's audio player webpage:

<embed src="http://www.sheepproductions.com/billy/billy.swf?autoplay=true&amp;f0=http://www.sheepproductions.com/sammy.mp3&amp;t0=Sammy&amp;total=1" 
quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="200" height="10" name="billy" 
align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" title="Adobe Flash Player">

I have noticed that adding something to this code can make the flash object run automatically, but I'm unsure about what exactly needs to be added. It doesn't seem to be a browser-specific issue, as it functions correctly on some webpages. However, other viewers still see the white play button despite this inconsistency.

Answer №1

But you might notice that some websites do not display this play button... even on the widget's official webpage.

Remember, both the SWF and HTML files need to be located in the exact same place (i.e., within the same web folder).

If the SWF URL is :


then the HTML file should be :

This issue occurs due to the small dimensions of your SWF file. Browsers may mistake it for a Flash advertisement banner and fail to load it automatically. To resolve this, consider increasing the size of the SWF display or moving the small SWF file to the same location as the HTML page that loads it.

Additionally, think about utilizing the HTML5 audio tag to ensure seamless playback of website audio, especially on mobile devices where Flash content may not be supported in default browsers.

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