Maintaining fixed panels as you scroll through a centrally aligned layout

I am looking to create a layout with three divs set up as columns. The outer two will be for navigation and need to stay in place while the user scrolls, but the middle section will contain content that should scroll normally along with the page.

I know typically you would use position:fixed for this, but I also want the entire design to be centered on the page. Using fixed positioning would prevent it from moving horizontally in a centered layout. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to achieve this?

I have created a jsfiddle to kickstart the process:

Answer №1

To center elements, use the CSS property

position:fixed; left: 50%; margin-left: ??px
on the outer elements:

For an example, check out this link:

  • left: 50% centers the left edge of each element to the page. See it in action here:
  • Adjusting the margin-left then places each element in its correct position.

Answer №2

While you already have your solution, I thought of enhancing my answer for others seeking a similar fix.

How about trying this approach:

This code snippet smoothly scrolls the middle section, corrects the blues, activates the scrollbars, and minimizes the flickering issue observed in the fiddle before your last update.

The implementation utilizes a jquery plugin solution (which I tweaked to suit this scenario). It requires minimal javascript to achieve the desired outcome.

Usage example:

$(document).ready(function() {

Below is a link to the plugin along with its source code:

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