What steps can be taken to create a curved bottom for the header section?

While I've seen this question asked before, I'm not satisfied with how the design has been implemented.

Here is my desired look for the curved header

I've experimented with border radius left and right, but the edges are excessively rounded for my taste.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to achieve the exact design shown in the picture? EDIT: I am aware that using border-radius is necessary, however, I do not want the corners to be too round. I am aiming for the precise look depicted in the linked image. I don't quite understand why this post is receiving downvotes.

Answer №1

You can create a unique design using CSS by nesting div elements and applying different styles to them. By adjusting the sizing, colors, and overflow properties, you can achieve various effects like creating a curved arc at the bottom of an element. Experiment with the code snippet below to customize the appearance as desired.

By utilizing the border-radius property set to 50%, you can generate a smooth curve in the design. The key is to have the outer div much larger than its displayed size, allowing for a subtle arc effect.


  border-radius: 50%;
<div class="outer">
  <div class="inner"></div>

Answer №2

This is not a CSS property; rather, it's simply a background image being used.

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