Does the CSS overflow property affect the borders of an element?

Consider a situation where a "div" element has a border applied to it. When the overflow rule is set to 'hidden', any content that falls directly on the border will vanish.

Is there a solution for this issue? It is crucial in my case to ensure that content positioned on the border remains visible. I require the boundaries of my element to encompass the border as well.

Answer №1

My theory is that three div's are needed to accomplish this (although someone may be able to devise a solution with just two div). Check out this example fiddle. The setup consists of three nested div elements (the outer one has the .CropIt class) with:


.CropIt {
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 60px;

.CropIt > div {
    border: 20px solid red;
    width: 20px;

.CropIt > div > div {
    margin: -20px;

The outer div controls hiding any content that extends beyond its borders. The middle div specifies the width and border, which must match the total width of the outer div or utilize float for proper sizing. The innermost div uses negative margins to shift the content over the border of the middle layer, creating an overlapping effect between the border and the middle div.

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