What is the best way to eliminate the white margin that is showing up on the right side of my website?

Here's a question that has been bugging me recently...

So, I've been working on creating my own version of an Airbnb website called 'tombnb' for a few weeks now. Everything was going smoothly until I encountered a persistent issue.

The problem lies in a mysterious white margin (approximately 20px wide) on the right side of my webpage. It appeared out of nowhere after I made some changes to my code to ensure responsive design. Even though I removed the specific code responsible for this, the white margin just won't go away.

If anyone could help me figure out what is causing this annoying white margin, I would be extremely grateful.

Thank you in advance for any assistance provided.

http://pastebin.com/J0aWAXcC - HTML

http://pastebin.com/tPdLXf20 - CSS

Answer №1

The solution to your issue is adding the missing </div> to your code.

By doing this, your problem will be resolved.

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