Customizing the width of the JQuery $ui.progressbar by overriding its properties

After spending some time, I successfully overrode the function that controls the width of the progress bar element in the jQuery UI widget version 1.12.1 from September 14, 2016.

Initially, I needed the progress bar to completely fill a column in a table. However, the default behavior of the "ui.progressbar" widget sets the width of the element to "100%", whereas I required it to be "calc(100% + 30px)".

I faced this issue and later found a solution which I am sharing here, hoping it will benefit someone else as it did for me.

Initial Situation: JQuery UI was setting the width of the first div to 102%

<td class="ui-progressbar ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-progressbar-indeterminate" id="divProgress-255" role="progressbar" aria-valuemin="0">
   <div class="ui-progressbar-value ui-widget-header" style="width: 102%;">
         <div class="ui-progressbar-overlay"></div>

jquery-ui.js (line 133467): The specific line in jQuery UI responsible for this behavior

this.valueDiv.toggle( this.indeterminate || value > this.min ).width( percentage.toFixed( 0 ) + "%" );

Representation of the progress bar below

Inquiry: How can I adjust the width set by the $ui.progressbar widget to use "calc(percentage + increment)" instead of just "100%"?

Answer №1

Here is my approach:

1) I devised a custom function called _calc and modified the existing _refreshValue function as shown below:

$.widget("ui.progressbar", $.ui.progressbar, {
    _calc: function(percentage) {
        percentage = percentage.toFixed(0);
        return this.options.calc ? ("calc("+percentage+"% + "+this.options.calc_inc+"px)") : percentage+"%";
    _refreshValue: function() {
        this.valueDiv.width( this._calc(this._percentage()) );

2) I set up my progress bar within a column:

function progressBarSettings() {
    $('td[id^=divProgress]').progressbar("option", {
       calc: true,
       calc_inc: 30

3) The visual representation of the progress bar looks like this:

4) For further information, you can explore these resources: Extending widgets 1 or Extending widgets 2

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