Customize the Width of DropDown List Items with Razor

I'm having trouble adjusting the width of items in a DropDownList. I want the width of the DropDown items to be different from the DropDown itself. Can anyone assist me with this?

<div class="col-md-3">
    @f.FormGroup().DropDownList("IdTipoAcao", new SelectList(this.ViewBag.TipoAcao, "IdTipoAcao", "Tipo", Model.IdTipoAcao > 0 ? Model.IdTipoAcao : 0)).Id("cmbTipoAcao").Label().LabelText("Tipo de Ação")

Answer №1

new { style = "width: 250px;" }


Answer №2

It is recommended to utilize CSS for adjusting the width of HTML elements instead of using Razor syntax. If 'IdTipoAcao' represents the ID of the dropdown element, you can apply the following code:

#IdTipoAcao {
  width: 150px;

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