Simulating the behavior of display blocks

HTML similar to the example below is working perfectly, however, there seems to be an issue with Sharepoint 2013's editor. When trying to edit the link text within a block that has 'display: block' or 'float', it becomes impossible. As soon as those properties are removed, editing the link text becomes possible again. Is there a way to achieve the same effect of 'display: block' without using display or float and have it span the whole width available?

<div class="button">
        <a href="#">Link Text</a>

Answer №1

If you're looking to transform an inline element into a block-like structure, one way to achieve this is by utilizing the position:absolute property without relying on display or float.

However, it's worth noting that absolute positioning may not align with your desired outcome. In such cases, the most effective approach would be to incorporate the display or float property for optimal rendering.

In the event that you do opt for absolute positioning, remember to include the position:relative attribute in the parent element to ensure the proper alignment of the child element set to absolute.

Answer №2

To achieve the desired layout, consider using

display: inline-block; width: 100%;
. It may be necessary to adjust the width to accommodate any padding or border that has been set.

(In previous experiences, I have utilized an edit mode panel and other techniques, so these unconventional styles are only applicable during editing of the page.)

Isn't SharePoint 2013's editor just absolutely fantastic? :-)

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