Adjust the hue of the SVG sprite

I am currently using an SVG sprite as the background image for my project:

.naar-logo {
    background: url(images/salt_sprite.svg) no-repeat -8px -78px;
    width: 36px;
    height: 49px;
    position: relative;
    top: 38px;
<div class="naar-logo"></div>

Although the color of the sprite images is originally black, I would like to change it to white. I attempted to do so with:

background: url(images/salt_sprite.svg) no-repeat white -8px -78px;

and by adding color: white; to the .naar-logo class, but unfortunately, this did not work. How can I go about changing the color of the SVG sprite to white?

Answer №1

To modify the color, you must include the SVG directly in your HTML code instead of using an external CSS file. For more information, refer to Using SVG.

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