firefox is experiencing lag issues with react-spring and framer-motion

Encountering an issue with two animation libraries, react-spring and framer-motion. Attempting to create a basic animation that triggers upon the component's initial visibility (simplified version).

<motion.div initial={{x: -25, opacity: 0}} animate={{x: 0, opacity: 1}} transition={{duration: 2.5}} className="App-logo">NAME</motion.div>

Github project

On Chrome, Brave, and Edge browsers, the animation appears smooth. However, on Firefox browser, there is noticeable lag during the animation's conclusion. This behavior persists across both framer-motion and react-spring implementations. Adjusting the duration of the transition or the amount of translation improves the appearance slightly, but does not fully resolve the lagging issue.

Attempting the same animation using plain CSS results in consistent smoothness across all browsers. Despite searching for solutions, no definitive answers have been found to address this specific problem.

Answer №1

It appears that the discrepancy in rendering performance between Firefox and Chrome may be attributed to their respective rendering engines. While Firefox positions the div pixel by pixel without subpixel rendering, Chrome may approach it differently. This difference becomes more apparent when a slight rotation is added to the div, causing Firefox's engine to skip optimization.

<motion.div initial={{x: -25, opacity: 0, rotation: 0.02}} animate={{x: 0, opacity: 1, rotation: 0.02}} transition={{duration: 2.5}} className="App-logo">NAME</motion.div>

Update: In reference to your git repo, an example has been added. Notably, adding rotation to the first two lines results in smoother animation in Firefox compared to the last line.

Answer №2

After experiencing laggy animations on Chrome, I decided to make a change that significantly improved performance. The animations now run much more smoothly. If you're having similar issues, give this solution a try on Firefox and let me know if it works for you.

When using Framer Motion, avoid declaring animations directly inside JSX. Instead, utilize variants for a cleaner approach.

Here's the updated code:


      <Outlet />

Variant object:

 const variants = {
    initial: {scale:0, opacity:0},
    animate: {scale:1, opacity:1},
    exit: {x:200, scale:0, opacity:0},
    transition: {type:"spring", duration:1.5}

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