Determining the width of an element in terms of percentage

My issue involves input elements with widths set as percentages in CSS under the common class 'display-class'

For example:

input.test1 {
   width: 60%

In JavaScript, I am attempting to wrap a div around these input fields with the same width and set the input field width to 100%

The current JS code snippet looks like this -

document.querySelectorAll('.display-class').forEach((el) => {
    const wrap = document.createElement('div');
    el.parentNode.insertBefore(wrap, el);
    wrap.appendChild(el); =; = '100%';

However, when checking the widths of both elements, it returns an empty string for the input element's length.

I also attempted to calculate the percentage manually like so, = `${(el.clientWidth/wrap.parentElement.clientWidth)*100}%`;

But the result was float values significantly off from the original width set. For instance, it returned 55.925% instead of 60%


// JavaScript functions included here

// HTML and CSS styling included here

The answer provided did not resolve my doubt. I need the precise percentage value set in CSS, as getComputedStyle() only returns values in pixels, leading to inaccurate manual calculations.

Answer №1

For accurate width measurements, it is best to directly access the .offsetWidth property of the element. The width may not be returned when accessing the style property until a width has been explicitly set on the element.

Keep in mind that offsetWidth may return 0 in certain cases where DOM modifications are made; consider using setTimeout for such scenarios. Alternatively, you can utilize getComputedStyle, following the necessary documentation for proper usage.

If you provide a codeSandbox link, I can further investigate the issue :). Hope this information proves helpful!

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