Spooky results displayed on website from NightmareJS

Is there a way to display the output from nightmareJS onto a webpage when a button is clicked using HTML, CSS, and JS?

This is my nightmareJS code:

var Nightmare = require('nightmare');
var nightmare = Nightmare({ show: false})


  .evaluate(function () {
    var ht = document.querySelector('#toc > ul').innerText;
    //return ht[0];
    //return (ht.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).length);
    //check = document.querySelectorAll('#bodyblock > ul >li').length;
    //return check;
    //var ht1 = document.querySelectorAll('#bodyblock > ul > li ').innerText[5];
    //return ht1;
    return ht;

  .then(function (result) {
  .catch(function (error) {
    return('Search failed:', error);

I have attempted the following:

function scrapedData(){
  document.getElementById("nighmareJSOutput").innerHTML = result;


    <p id="nighmareJSOutput"> </p>
    <button onclick="scrapedData()"> click me </button>


Unfortunately, this approach did not work for me. Any tips or suggestions on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Here is the code example you requested in the comments. Feel free to ask any questions if you encounter any issues.

const express = require('express')
const Nightmare = require("nightmare")
const app = express()

app.get('/', async function (req, res) {
  const nightmare = Nightmare({ show: false})
  const url = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux'
  await nightmare.goto(url)
  await nightmare.wait(2000)
  const result = await nightmare.evaluate(
    () => document.querySelector('#toc > ul').innerText

app.listen(3000, function () {
  console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!')

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