Move the menu button to the right of the title slide, beyond the edge of the card

Having an issue with the MuiCardHeader component.

        <IconButton onClick={toggleMenu}>
            <img src={MoreIcon} alt=""/>
        <Typography noWrap variant="subtitle1">
        <Typography variant="subtitle2" color="textSecondary">
            {data.children.items.length} items

The menu button slides to the right outside the card when the title or subtitle is too long. How can this be prevented?

Desired result:

Code sandbox link:

Update: Solution

Add the following code:

textOverflow: "ellipsis",
overflow: "hidden",
whiteSpace: "nowrap",

to the .MuiCardHeader-content class

Thank you for all the help!

Answer №1

To ensure the container is properly displayed, apply text-overflow: ellipsis, overflow: hidden, and white-space: nowrap

In your particular situation, simply include .CustomTypography-noWrap to the container .CustomCardHeader-content

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