Can applications on Windows 8 operate using JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 that adhere to industry standards?

As a .NET developer, I tuned in to the keynote for the Build Event in Anaheim, California and had some questions regarding the new support for creating Windows 8 applications using JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3.

They showcased several examples and mentioned that the new Windows 8 marketplace was developed using these technologies. The idea of being able to program Windows apps (with direct access to .NET) using JavaScript along with C# is quite fascinating, especially for someone like me who primarily works as a web developer utilizing JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3.

My main question revolves around whether the Windows 8 applications we build are compliant with web standards. Can we create Windows 8 apps and then easily launch them on the web? Will existing web applications be able to utilize some of the features demonstrated?

This advancement seems promising, particularly compared to the previous use of Silverlight which I have used for developing applications. Although I appreciate the functionality of blend when working with C#, replacing JavaScript in my current apps is not something I am considering.

Is this push towards getting "web" developers involved in Windows app development, or does it signify a cross-platform solution for building applications?

Answer №1

To clarify, the Javascript/HTML5/CSS3 windows programs operate on a different layer called WinRT (Windows Runtime) rather than .Net. The new Windows Metro style apps will be constructed on top of this layer instead of the older .Net. If your app makes use of the WinRT features, then Windows would be required to run the app. It is up to you whether or not you choose to incorporate those features into your app, depending on its purpose. It is possible to create an app that adheres to all standards and functions well on the system without utilizing any Microsoft-specific features. In this sense, it would be similar to a webpage that is launched as an app.

Additional points to consider:

  • Currently, MSIE uses some specific prefixes like -ms until those features are recognized by W3C and given official cross-browser names, similar to how we have -webkit-border-radius, -moz-border-radius, and border-radius.

  • HTML5 incorporates certain features such as grids that are not widely implemented in most browsers yet.

  • Microsoft provides various JavaScript libraries to facilitate app development, many of which are jQuery-based. Some of these libraries are designed specifically for Windows and it's unclear what the licensing restrictions are for using them elsewhere. Presumably, jQuery can be used across platforms, whereas the Windows-specific libraries may only be suitable for use within WinRT.

Answer №2


Let's talk about the unique challenges of developing a web app in HTML5 to run as a Metro application:

If your application is following best practices and not engaging in any questionable activities, then yes, it should work well within the restricted environment of a Metro app. In order to access external resources like websites within an HTML5/JS application, you will need to establish what is known as a "Web Context."

The Web Context provides the necessary internet access for your application while maintaining restrictions on accessing privileged resources such as Windows Runtime APIs.

For example, if you want to integrate a Bing Maps widget and obtain GPS data from the device, you would need to:

  1. Include an iframe within the page (defaulting to Local Context) to host a separate Web Context for the Bing Maps widget
  2. Utilize window.postMessage to communicate data between the Local Context and the Web Context contained in the iframe
  3. Use the Windows Runtime API to retrieve the GPS location data from the device within the Local Context

This approach ensures that no website loaded within the JS application can maliciously access Windows Runtime APIs to extract sensitive information. Adapting an existing web application to function in this manner may require rethinking how data flows between contexts, especially when dealing with potentially unsafe sources.

Answer №3

Simply put, apps created using the WinRT platform are not compatible with regular web browsers. However, it is uncertain whether a traditional HTML5 web application can function as a Metro app.

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