Maintain your personalized cursor even when you click on a link with the power of

My favorite trick for changing my cursor to a custom image involves using this specific css code.

    cursor: url(../images/cursor.png), auto;

But I've noticed that whenever I click on a link or button, the cursor reverts back to its default look. How can I avoid this from happening?

Answer №1

To ensure consistency, make sure to apply the same CSS styling to those specific links as well. For example:

a {
 cursor: url( , auto;

In your scenario:

a {
 cursor: url(../images/cursor.png), auto;

Check out this working jsfiddle for a demonstration.

For further information, you can explore the Cursor section.

Answer №2

Are you asking about when the default cursor appears after clicking on a link and then dragging it around slightly? Unfortunately, this behavior cannot be altered because the action of dragging a link causes it to move, which cannot be customized as far as I know.

edit: Yes, the * selector applies to all elements and will consistently override any default browser settings. This is not an issue of specificity.

Answer №3

Styling with CSS:

.custom-cursor:link {
        cursor: url(../images/cursor.png), auto;

.custom-cursor:hover {
        cursor: url(../images/cursor.png), auto;

.custom-cursor:active {
        cursor: url(../images/cursor.png), auto;

Implementing in HTML:

<a href="YourLinkHere" class="custom-cursor">link visible text here</a>.

To apply the custom cursor, simply add class="custom-cursor" to any link or button where you want this effect.

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