What could be causing ReactNative Dimensions component to display lower resolutions?

Currently, I am developing an application using React Native v0.45.1 and testing it on my S6 device. Despite setting a background image that matches the resolution of my phone, it appears excessively large on the screen, cutting off most of the content.

To troubleshoot this issue, I included the following code snippet in my render method to retrieve the dimensions of my device:

let {height, width} = Dimensions.get('window');
console.warn(height, width);

Surprisingly, the output from these lines shows the dimensions as 360 x 640. This doesn't make sense as when I shared a screenshot with a colleague, the picture size was actually 1440 x 2560 - the exact resolution of my cellphone. This discrepancy occurred previously when working with a tablet as well. Any insights or suggestions on what might be causing this confusion? Thank you for your help.

Answer №1

The measurements provided by the Dimensions function are in units of dp (for Android), while the image dimensions are given in px (pixels).

In essence, when developing your app, you use dp as your reference unit, knowing that the actual pixel values will vary across devices due to their differing pixel densities. This means that pixels on one device may appear smaller or larger than on another, with dp serving as a common scale for real-world pixel sizes.

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