"Make your slides smooth and responsive with the unslick option in slick

Currently implementing the Slick Slider on a WordPress website.

The slider is designed to display 3 columns at a screen size of 1024px and above. When the screen size drops below 1024px, the slider adjusts to show 2 columns, and on mobile devices, it switches to just 1 column.

This dynamic slider allows for flexibility in the number of columns populated - meaning there may be times when not all columns are filled with content. For example, the user might only upload assets for two slides instead of the expected three at the 1024px plus screen size.

The challenge I'm currently facing involves making the slider fluid. When users upload fewer slides than what the slider is set to display (e.g., 1 or 2 slides), these slides do not fill the entire screen. I've attempted using 'unslick' in my settings, but haven't found a suitable solution in the documentation as of yet.

Below is an excerpt from my code:

autoplay: true,
autoplaySpeed: 800,
slidesToShow: 3,
slidesToScroll: 3,
speed: 800,
responsive: [
        breakpoint: 1024,
        settings: {
            slidesToShow: 3,
            slidesToScroll: 3,
            infinite: true,
            dots: true
        breakpoint: 980,
        settings: {
            slidesToShow: 2,
            slidesToScroll: 2,
            prevArrow: false,
            nextArrow: false

Answer №1

At the moment, there is no direct option to toggle a slider on or off based on the number of slides it contains. However, you can work around this by dynamically initializing the slider based on the slide count.

// Define your Slick slider element
var slider = $('.your-selector');

// Determine the number of slides
// If the slider is empty, default to 1 slide
var slides = Math.max(1, slider.children('.your-slide-selector').length);

// Initialize the slick slider
    autoplay: true,
    autoplaySpeed: 800,
    slidesToShow: Math.min(3, slides),
    slidesToScroll: Math.min(3, slides),
    speed: 800,
    responsive: [
            breakpoint: 1024,
            settings: {
                slidesToShow: Math.min(3, slides),
                slidesToScroll: Math.min(3, slides),
                infinite: true,
                dots: true
            breakpoint: 980,
            settings: {
                slidesToShow: Math.min(2, slides),
                slidesToScroll: Math.min(2, slides),
                prevArrow: false,
                nextArrow: false

Please note that I have not tested the responsiveness of the slider itself. This script simply adjusts the slidesToShow and slidesToScroll based on the specified value or the total number of slides if it's lower.

I hope this solution proves helpful.

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