What is the best way to eliminate the Mat-form-field-wrapper element from a Mat-form-field component

I have implemented Angular mat-form-field and styled it to appear like a mat-chip. Now, I am looking to remove the outer box (mat-form-field-wrapper).

<div class="flex">
 <div class="etc">
  <mat-chip-list i18n-aria-label aria-label="Selected Roles">
  <form [formGroup]="filterForm" >
  <mat-form-field appearance="outline" class="no-line" >

    aria-label="Experience level filter"
     placeholder="Experience Level"
    (selectionChange)="filterChange($event, 'experienceLevels')"
      Experience Level {{ getSelected("experienceLevels") }}

      *ngFor="let experienceLevel of experienceLevels"
      [value]="experienceLevel"  >
      {{ experienceLevel.getName() }}

Answer №1

To fix the issue, simply delete the mat-chip-list tag from your code.


<div class="flex">
 <div class="etc">
  <form [formGroup]="filterForm" > ;
  <mat-form-field appearance="outline" class="no-line" >

    aria-label="Experience level filter"
     placeholder="Experience Level"
    (selectionChange)="filterChange($event, 'experienceLevels')"
      Experience Level {{ getSelected("experienceLevels") }}

      *ngFor="let experienceLevel of experienceLevels"
      [value]="experienceLevel"  >
      {{ experienceLevel.getName() }}

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