What is the process for marking a form field as invalid?

Is it possible to validate the length of a field after removing its mask using text-mask from here? The problem is that the property "minLength" doesn't work with the mask. How can I mark this form field as invalid if it fails my custom validation method?

checkDigitsCPF() {
  const numDigits = _.replace(this.advogado.cpf, /\D/g, '').length;
  this.isCPFInvalid = !_.isEqual(numDigits, 11);
<div class="form-group">
  <label class="form-control-label" for="field_cpf">CPF</label>
  <input type="text" class="form-control" name="cpf" id="field_cpf" [(ngModel)]="advogado.cpf" required [textMask]="{mask: cpfMask}" (ngModelChange)="checkDigitsCPF()" minlength="11" />
  <div [hidden]="!(editForm.controls.cpf?.dirty && editForm.controls.cpf?.invalid)">
    <small class="form-text text-danger" [hidden]="!editForm.controls.cpf?.errors?.required" jhiTranslate="entity.validation.required">
      This field is required.
    <small class="form-text text-danger" [hidden]="!isCPFInvalid">
      This field must have at least 11 characters.

Answer №1

When it comes to the element, the validation method should be structured as follows:

// this method will be activated whenever there is a change in value or when the form is submitted

validateField(inputForm): void {
    if (errorCondition) {
        inputForm.controls.fieldName.setErrors({'customLengthError': true})
    } else {

Within the html form, you can display the error message like so:

<small *ngIf="fieldName?.errors?.customLengthError">
    The specific error message.

Answer №2

Success! I managed to find the solution by developing a personalized directive.

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