What is stopping this paragraph from being vertically centered with just one line?

After following instructions from another user, I successfully centered text vertically. However, I encountered difficulties when trying to center the entire content vertically. My attempt to enclose the text in its own div did not yield the desired results. Can someone advise me on how to center a paragraph next to the arrow?

Dealing with vertical aligning CSS is quite perplexing...


#arrow {
       background-position:0 50%;

#bulletwrap {
       border:1px solid black;

#text {
      background-position:0 50%;


<div id="bulletwrap"><div id="arrow"></div><div id="text">This is some longer text that needs to be centered next to the arrow grouped together</div></div>

Answer №1

Trying to center something vertically can pose quite a challenge. I have come up with an alternative solution to the one you provided. It may seem a bit unconventional, but from my experience, it is the most effective approach.

The trick involves treating your #bulletwrap div (or any similar container element) as a table, and designating your #text (either a paragraph or div) as a table cell. By doing so, you can use vertical-align: middle; for the #text element in order to achieve vertical centering.

Here is the essential CSS code:

#bulletwrap {
  border:1px solid black;
  display: table; /*make your container act like a table*/

#text {
  display: table-cell; /*designate your text as a table cell*/
  vertical-align: middle; /*... and align it vertically*/

You can see it in action here:

I hope this explanation was clear enough. If you have any more questions or if you feel uncertain about the answer provided, feel free to ask for further clarification.

Answer №2

check out my rendition I employed

display: table-cell and vertical-align: middle; height: whatever;
for the text section and display: table for the bulletwrapper subsection

Answer №3

Is it necessary for the arrow to be contained within a div? Typically, the simplest way to vertically align an image is to use it as a background.

<div id="bulletwrap">
  <div id="text">
    This longer text should be centered alongside the arrow. What happens if there is even more text than that? It might not display properly.

Here is the accompanying CSS:

#bulletwrap {
       border:1px solid black;
       background:url('http://i.imgur.com/26tbf.png') no-repeat left center;
       padding: 10px 0 10px 35px

Keep in mind - to center the text, I set the top and bottom paddings equal. Ideally, you should apply the padding to the container instead. This approach allows the box to expand along with the text, which may or may not be desired.

Answer №4

The culprit here is line-height: 75px;. This style property affects each line of text individually rather than the entire block of text. It might be better to consider using radixhound's solution or a margin/padding approach instead.

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