jQuery Mobile for Enhanced Customer Relationship Management on the Web

I have recently been tasked with creating a Web Based CRM Software and I plan to use PHP and MYSQL as my backend. For the frontend, I am considering using a UI framework such as jQuery Mobile. I like that it is fully AJAX-driven, easy to code with, and has a professional look and feel. While exploring other options like Sencha Ext JS and Adobe Flex, I decided against using them due to time constraints and the fact that Flex is Flash-based.

My main question is whether jQuery Mobile can be effectively used as a frontend for web-based DESKTOP software, even though it is primarily designed for mobile development. Are there any potential drawbacks or limitations to using jQuery Mobile in this context?

Thank you in advance :)

Answer №1

A desktop website can utilize jQuery Mobile as its frontend, but there are a few drawbacks to consider.

  1. jQuery Mobile widgets are designed for mobile devices, so their appearance may not be ideal for a desktop site. However, these components can be easily customized visually.

  2. Desktop browsers offer a speed advantage compared to mobile devices. Transitions and anti-aliasing should work smoothly, except for potential issues with older versions of IE.

  3. The layout is another challenge when using jQuery Mobile on a desktop website. It is important to design a basic layout structure before incorporating components, as some elements may not display correctly without proper formatting.

Despite these challenges, utilizing jQuery Mobile as a frontend for a desktop website is feasible, especially if you have experience with jQuery.

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