What happens when dynamically loaded static resources are loaded?

Currently, I am dynamically injecting HTML into a page using JQuery AJAX. The injected HTML contains script and link tags for JS and CSS files respectively. The issue I am facing is that my initPage() function runs before the script containing its definition has finished loading.

Below is an example of the HTML received from the AJAX call:

<script type='text/javascript' src='//domain.com/js/fillip.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='//domain.com/js/fillip2.js'></script>
<link href='//domain.com/css/fillip.css' rel='stylesheet'>

<iframe src='//domain.com/mypage'></iframe>
<script type='text/javascript'>

I am looking for a solution to execute additional JavaScript only after all scripts have been loaded, with the flexibility to handle varying numbers of required script and CSS file dependencies. Bonus points if the solution can also accommodate waiting for CSS files to load.

How can I ensure all necessary dynamic JS/CSS files are loaded before proceeding with the rest of my JavaScript code?

Answer №1

Scripts defined in the 'head' section of a document are processed in the order they are listed.

If you have a function call to init at the end of your document, enclose it like this:

$(document).ready(function() {

Another method is to load scripts sequentially by adding them one by one to the document using a control mechanism.

function loadMyJavaScript(jsPath, cb) {
  var loaded = false;

  // Create script element and add it to document head
  var script = document.createElement('script');

  script.onload = successHandler;
  script.error  = errorHandler;
  script.onreadystatechange = stateHandler;

  script.src = path;

  function successHandler() {
      if ( false == loaded ) {
           loaded = true;
           cb(path, "success"); 

  function errorHandler() {
      if ( false == loaded ) {
          loaded = true;
          cb(path, "error");

  function stateHandler() {
      var status;
      if ( false == loaded ) {
         status = script.readyState;
         if ( status === "complete" ) {

You can then call this function and assign a callback as shown below:

loadMyJavaScript("http path of the script", function(path, status) {
     if ( status == "success") {
        Load another script or call initPage();


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