Tips for adjusting the color of a <a> tag upon clicking, which remains unchanged until the URL is modified

My goal is to maintain the color of a link when it is clicked. Currently, hovering over the navbar link changes it to greyish, but I want it to remain a different color after clicking on it. I am implementing this using the react-router-dom library for the Link component.

          <ul className="nav-wrapper">
              <Link className="link" to="/">
              <Link className="link" to="/gallery">
              <Link className="link" to="/about">

I'm unsure about the best approach here - should I use useState to handle the color change upon click, or make the adjustment in CSS? Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

(I found your question a bit unclear, so I provided solutions for both scenarios) Alright! Here is how you can change the color of an unvisited link using CSS:

a:link { color: choose your desired color; }

And for changing the color of a visited link in CSS, use this code:

a:visited { color: choose your desired color; }

Check out this example:

a:active {
  color: green;
a:visited {
color: purple;
<a href="#">This link will have its color changed<a>

If you found a helpful answer, please mark it as such.

Answer №2

react-router-dom comes with an additional feature known as NavLink. With this, you have the option to pass in a special prop called activeClassName, which allows you to apply custom styles to your active link.

For instance:

<NavLink to="/faq" activeClassName="selected">

By using this component, you can substitute all of your Link components within your navigation setup.

Answer №3

To activate your element, try using the :active pseudo selector. More details can be found in the documentation.

Answer №4

const [currentTab, setCurrentTab] = useState(0);

          <ul className="nav-wrapper">
              <Link className={`link ${currentTab===0?'active':''}`}  to="/" onClick={()=>setCurrentTab(0)}>
              <Link className={`link ${currentTab===1?'active':''}`} to="/gallery" onClick={()=>setCurrentTab(1)}>
              <Link className={`link ${currentTab===2?'active':''}`} to="/about" onClick={()=>setCurrentTab(2)}>

You can then style it with CSS,

 li .active{
     color: #your color;

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